Daniel Kish is blind but uses echo location and has insanely highly developed human sonar abilities. The Bioshock team explain how they work. Very cool talk. This dance piece blew me away. FRICTIONS from BURAYAN on Vimeo. SynthJam Under Sea from David R Ryle on Vimeo.
Monthly Archives: September 2011
Florian Camerer Talks About Loudness and the EBU R128 Broadcast Standard Just discovered Greg Haines, Digging it. This is an awesome project: Video Game in a Box Video Game in a Box from adam kumpf on Vimeo.
freesound 2.0 launched!
leafcutterjohn.com is an awesome blog full of cool ideas. I love this awesome laser microphone setup. Cool field recording session from 343 guys. Embedding works will work at some point with Freesound 2.0. I’ve been invovled with Freesound (as a moderator) since the start ofit. I think its an awesome project.